Tuesday 15 February 2011


This week on NBC’s Chuck (Mondays at 8/7c), Morgan gets a blast from the past when Sarah’s former partner in slinky sleuthing, Carina (played by Mini Anden), resurfaces in Burbank as part of a larger C.A.T. Squad reunion.

Of course, since their last meet-up, Morgan has gone onto become somewhat of a junior spy himself — a development that delights Joshua Gomez to no end.

“It’s been awesome, amazing, and so much fun,” Gomez tells TVLine. “It’s something I’ve wanted since the pilot, to be a part of the spy missions. I was always so jealous of Zach [Levi] getting to do all this cool stuff while I was stuck at the store.”

Now, Gomez is broadening his horizons by way of all manner of espionage-related excitement. “I launched a missile from a car with Captain Awesome, there’s been car chase stuff, shooting off guns – not well, mind you,” the actor shares. “I’m not much of an ‘action guy’ – a shocker, I know – but those days are just starting!”

Engaging in on-screen engagements also has afforded Gomez the chance to work alongside Adam Baldwin in a whole new way, as Casey somewhat begrudgingly schools Morgan on the art of spying. “We have discovered this great dynamic,” Gomez raves. “I’ll go to him and say, ‘I’m going to try this,’ and he’ll say [adopting a gruff, monotone voice], ‘Ah. Hysterical. I love it.’”

“Mostly, Adam teaches me to shut up and hit my mark,” Gomez continues with a laugh. “He also gets a kick out of watching Zach and I riff and do our scene, then he’ll come in at the end — like a sniper — and just say a few words or grunt and steal the whole damn thing.”

Speaking of Casey, super-sultry Carina’s reappearance also comes on the heels of Morgan making romantic progress with his mentor’s daughter, Alex — another deepening of character welcomed by Gomez. “Mekenna [Melvin] is a wonderful, sweet actress, and she fits in perfectly,” he says. “Morgan and Alex is fun to play, while having Casey looming over them is… well, scary.”

On next week’s Chuck, Gomez gets to return to his struggling actor roots by going undercover with Casey as a bartender at a ritzy British dinner party. Reflecting on his days as a mixologist, “I wasn’t very good, but New York City is tough,” he reports. “Make one wrong drink and it doesn’t go over well at all.”

Chuck fans, have you been enjoying Morgan’s entry into the spy world?


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